
And when a child is born into this world

It has no concept

Of the tone the skin is living in

And there’s a million voices

And there’s a million voices

To tell you what she should be thinking

So, you better sober up for just a second


Youssou N’Dour & Neneh Cherry


Maybe the target nowadays is not to discover what we are 

but to refuse what we are.


Michel Foucault

Als spreker richt ik me op het anders belichten van maatschappelijke vraagstukken en de rol die ze spelen in de leefwereld van de luisteraars. Door gebruik te maken van verschillende verhalen en eigen (professionele) ervaringen en deze te verbinden aan de dagelijkse worstelingen van professionals, groepen en individuen in de samenleving, nodig ik luisteraars uit op ongeziene zijpaden en mogelijkheden.
As a speaker, I engage by shedding a different light on social issues and the role they play in the world of listeners. By using different stories and personal (professional) experiences and connecting them to the daily struggles of professionals, groups, and individuals in society, I invite listeners to care for unseen side paths and possibilities. 
“Op 19 juni 2018 vond de openbare les ‘Schillen van het verschil’ van Tina Rahimy, lector Sociaal werk in de superdiverse stad plaats. Tijdens deze les verwoordden en verbeeldden Rahimy, dramadocent René Akkermans én studenten van de opleiding Social Work van Hogeschool Rotterdam hun visie op inclusie en uitsluiting in het stedelijke bestaan. Deze video is een registratie van de bijeenkomst die in Arminius plaatsvond.”
“What impact does our way of thinking about diversity have on our professional behavior in the social domain within the urban context? In her lecture, Tina Rahimy gives a critical explanation of the three concepts: social work, urbanity and diversity. She introduces new concepts and new perspectives on inclusion and exclusion. Her lecture is accompanied by personal stories and self-reflective intermezzos.”
“What impact does our way of thinking about diversity have on our professional behavior in the social domain within the urban context? In her lecture, Tina Rahimy gives a critical explanation of the three concepts: social work, urbanity and diversity. She introduces new concepts and new perspectives on inclusion and exclusion. Her lecture is accompanied by personal stories and self-reflective intermezzos.”